Sunday, August 20, 2006

JUNE 1992


JUNE - 1992

(407) 498-0157 (HM) l-800-545-8454 (WK)

Dear Friends:

As some of you know, during the week of January 18, 1992, Michael Wagner was told that he was suffering from a brain tumor. The prognosis was terminal with only one to six months to live. Michael decided to fight it with all available means and entered into chemo and radiation therapy. After about five weeks he was told that the tumor was not reacting to the treatment and it was decided to end the treatment. That was three weeks ago. He called me April 1, 1992 to tell me good-bye. On Thursday, April 23, Michael died. The cancer had stolen so much of his mind so fast that he didn't have time for too many good-byes. Michael is gone now. My dear friend is gone'. I won't be getting any more letters from him - he won't make me laugh anymore. During our last conversation Michael wanted me to tell everyone how much he appreciated the many, many cards and letters he received the last few months. He read some of the names to me and he said, "Thank you", Gloria, "Tell them thank you for me. It made a difference. Tell them it made a difference." So, from the bottom of Michael's heart and the bottom of my heart, Thank you for taking the time to buy that card or write that letter. You made a difference in someone's life and death, It only goes to show that there is something very special about the relationship we all have with each other. I made a few calls to people I could contact to tell them about Michael and the response was beautiful. I am very sorry if I was unable to contact you for one reason or the other. Michael's mailbox was filled to overflowing and he called me sometime in February to tell me that he was glad that I had called everyone and had just gone out to the mailbox again and found another pile of cards. He was so happy and thrilled. SWEET DREAMS, MICHAEL HAVE A PEACEFUL SLEEP. I LOVE YOU.

Our hearts go out to Terry Wagner and her daughter, Richon. The loss they feel cannot be measured. Also to his sister, Jill and his other family members, how sorry we all feel. Also to his good, close friends, Terry Smilianich and Bill Borellis. Jill wrote me that Michael asked that we celebrate his life, not morn his death. A memorial service was held at the home of Jill and her husband, Robbie Porter on Thursday, April 30th. If you wish to make a gift in memory of Michael you can do so by sending it to Cancer Research, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

We are also saddened to learn of the deaths of WILLIAM (BILL) P. RIMMER (Janis Rimer Muske's brother) who died February 1, 1992. Also our arms are around KATHY DAILEY NORTON and her family regarding the death of her father, ED DAILEY.


There have been some happy moments ...
KRIS STRAND MEYER enjoyed trips to Las Vegas and to California before and during the holidays. Her and her daughter went to Las Vegas for her daughter's 21st birthday.

JANET FRANCIS MURILLO is enjoying her new granddaughter and finishing up her studies for nursing. Her and her husband moved into a new home in the Houston area. I received a lovely letter from Great grandmom, Mary Lee with two gorgeous pictures of little Jennifer.

SUSAN FRANCIS STRODE is studying at Incarnate Word for her Masters in Remedial Reading.

BONNIE HORNE McKEEVER is studying for a CPA. One of her sons is in the Army in Korea. She is living in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

PATTIE TYLER is single and living in Austin. She works for a computer company in a development lab. She just bought a new house last summer and is enjoying a "real home" at last.

MIKE BROWN writes that his oldest daughter was married in August of last year. His second daughter has joined the Air Force and third daughter is still in high school. He also reports that newly married brother, DEWEY is stateside and in Utah and he has a new son, Willie.

JACKIE AND JEFF ANDERSON send news that they are looking forward to the graduation of son Reagan from high school. She was also complaining about all the snow they were having. Living in Colorado you start to get kinda of tired of all that stuff, I guess.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! to CAROLE O'BRIEN - She has added a new last name of FOX - She got married on October llth to Steven Fox, bought a house and has joined the establishment.

NANCY OLSEN GIAMBALVO and family have relocated to Dallas, Texas. She says she loves her house, but she says it is on the world's smallest lot. You'd think with all the room in the state of Texas, they could give you a little breathing room!

BRUCE ZIMMERMAN is wrapping up his third novel and has the possibility of a film option on his first book, BLOOD UNDER THE BRIDGE!

HAYNES BAUMGARDNER writes from Stuttgart, Germany. He is Director of Personnel for the European Command (EUCOM). Last August he became full colonel. The children stayed in the US at college so Cheryl and Haynes say that life is like being newlyweds again! While there they will take full advantage of the travel opportunities.

ANN DORMAN WEDDLE and her family are moving to Texas. The timing depends on the selling of their home in Missouri. Husband, Randy, has already moved to San Antonio where he is Executive Director for the Red Cross. Son Tres is a freshman at McArthur in SA. Ann is in Missouri to sell the house; daughter Mandy is at the U of Iowa. Ann's sister, Nancy, and her husband have moved FROM TEXAS to New York where they moved their button business and he works for IBM. GOOD LUCK! -- NEWS FLASH - JUST TALKED TO ANN - THE HOUSE SOLD AND THEY CLOSE ON JUNE 22!

GARY BIRD and family (New Braunfels) write that all is well with them. One of their boys is in a rock group "Gutter Snype". They enjoyed a business/pleasure trip to Washington DC, and trips to Colorado and Woodslake.

SUE LIVINGSTON JOHNSON and family are still living in Golden, Colorado, "COORS COUNTRY". Daughter, Amy is a senior this year and son, Michael is a freshman. Sue is now working part-time as a Chapter 1 reading teacher at an adolescent treatment center.

JOANNA DYAS SMITH writes from good ol' RAFB where daughter Jody is a freshman and Melissa is a sophomore at good ol' RHS. Joanna is teaching Special Ed classes and finds time for golf. Husband, Butch will RETIRE July 1. Don't know where life will take them from then.

TERESA DEARZA CUSHING has taken a big move and a new job. Teresa is working for the Headquarters EPA office and Washington DC and has bought a condo in Annandale, Virginia. She has hooked up with Jan Ownbey Link and Pat Manganello Fales. Son Kevin married last year and in January Teresa joined the grandmother club in January. I did not get an announcement yet, so I don't know what it was. Son Jason is a Florida Gator.

Received my annual picture from JANET WATKINS JENDRON. The four kids are growing like weeds. Janet is president of the Columbia Dance Theatre this year. All four kids are in dance. Kathleen is a sophomore and guess what, a cheerleader. Chip off the old split jump. Trip is in 7th grade, Danny 5th grade and Claudia, 3rd grade. Husband, Bob is still after those drug smugglers. Janet is also very active with La Leche League and BOB AND JANET CELEBRATED 20 YEARS OF WEDDED "BLISS?" IN AUGUST.

MIKE WYSONG is now in the business of selling digital scoreboards and signs. He is still traveling as he did in his other business, but the new job is going well and so is Mike. Mike still lives in San Antonio. Thanks Mike.

BILL BEIGHTOL writes from Moreno Valley, California. Is the town still standing? Bill is working for the 15th AF in tanker training. Delores is substitute teaching and daughters, Amy and Julie are typical teenagers. (A lot of kids got their driver's license this year - watch out!).

CAROL TURNIPSEED HABERLE writes from Jacksonville, TX that daughter May is attending Southwestern University; son Fred is in 8th grade and is working hard on his Eagle in Boy Scouts. Carol continues to be active for MS and has been participating in a few walks for MS.

I also received a telephone call from Marilyn McConnel Ingels. She lives in North Kansas City, MO. She has her own accounting business with her sister, Kathy. She's married and has three boys.

I talked with MONTE MAHR this past few month and he and his family went on a trip to New Mexico to visit his sister, Teri and on to Colorado.

Also, I have to apologize to John Swinney - John I know I talked to you on January 5th, but I was taking notes on very small pieces of paper and you were telling me about yourself and your brother(s)? and my information is all confusing. Please write me and straighten me out. Thanks.



I couldn't do it without your donations. Thank you to COL. BAUMGARDNER; HARRY AMON; JEFF AND JACKIE; MIKE BROWN; MIKE FAUSETT and Col. and Mrs. Francis.

Several newsletters were returned and I resent them to the forwarding addresses, but I do not have a forwarding address for Jay Eldridge or Lewis Bailey (Hopson) and one of the newsletters was returned without a cover 50 I don't know who it was sent to, so if you did not get a newsletter in December let me know and I will send you a copy.


Nothing much has changed in the Gallagher household since Christmas. I took two straight weeks off (which I have never done before) and Danny, Kelly and I drove up to North Carolina to a little place named Hayesville. There we met up with Danny's brother and his wife and son. They have some land with a trailer on it right by a river. We arrived Christmas Eve. The next morning it was so beautiful - no snow - but frost all over the ground with that smoke like haze from the river. My mom and dad showed up about lunch time from Kentucky and Danny's aunt Lilo from New York came also. Aunt Lilo stayed in a bed and breakfast a few miles away. No TV, no phones, not much of anything for four days. My son and his cousin built fires and burned garbage, hiked through the woods and visited Danny's old summer camp in the mountains not far from where we were. Danny and I also had a great drive over the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was just great. The drive back was a nightmare though - rain and fog from North Carolina to Ocala, Florida where we finally stopped for the night. I was really glad to be home. I don't do car riding too well and had to go right to the Chiropractor to be readjusted. Anyway, New Years Eve was uneventful - so much so, I don't really remember what we did. In February, Danny and I were remarried in the church and had a little reception in our home. Kelly was the altar boy at the ceremony. My daughter has blessed us with the news that she and her husband, Travis are expecting a little boy in August. Grandson, Stevie is 2 years old now and of course the smartest little boy in the whole world. My youngest son, Kelly, will be 10 in July. He is playing baseball this year for the first time and Danny is helping coach and umpire. Kelly just got back from a trip to Kentucky during his spring break to visit my parents. It was his first plane trip by himself and Danny and I were so bored while he was gone - NOT -. We also have a new addition to the family - a cute little white dog (Bichon) named Sparkle. Mark and Kyle's new business is really going good and they are developing such a good self-image and pride in their work and they are building quite a name for themselves in this area. Danny and I are lucky that our jobs are going well and our kids are doing great - We have a lot of things to be thankful for. We hope that you all enjoy a great summer. This newsletter is early so it will be a long eight or nine months until the next letter - so please keep in touch with me and let me know how you are. If I don't hear from you I have nothing to write - Take care of yourselves and each other and for all of you who responded to my request to send cards and letters to Michael, thank you again. This has been such a sad and heartwrenching three months for me and talking to some of you on the telephone has been very helpful. A special thank you to Bill Borellis for just being there for me and for Michael.



Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or even eagle flew. And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
By John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

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