Friday, August 18, 2006



4676 Barrett Street
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Hm: (305) 498-0157Wk: (305) 391-7040


Another year is coming to a close. This was a big year for me. I hope your year was a memorable one. For the Class of 65 most of us turned 40! NO PROBLEM.... Read on and find out who did what this year ....

In July, I received a telephone call from BILL KEM. He is still with the brokerage firm he's been with for several years. He also got me back in touch with ART NIGRO. Bill's family is all very fine. The family is active in gymnastics, dance and music. Thank you for your call and I enjoyed the words of encouragement.

ART NIGRO and his family have been in Bangkok, Thailand for the past 2k years where he was General Manager of the Royal Orchid Sheraton. Now he is the Director of Standards for Sheraton at the World Headquarters at Boston. He is still married to Sheila and they are to be congratulated on 17 years! They have a boy 16 and a girl 13. His son plays football and Art seemed very proud to say that. They have purchased a home and have settled in. Welcome back.

Also welcome back to TERESA DEARZA CUSHING. They have returned from Japan and have landed in Las Vegas and she says that she hopes to never leave. Son Kevin is in his lst year of college in Hawaii, but really would rather just surf..... Teresa and I were in the same hospital 18 years ago having our first babies. A lot of miles have been logged since then. She says her husband Emery is talking retirement in the spring.

DICKIE BUCHERT O'BANION writes that all is well with her and her family. TONI married Bob Skinner - Remember that real nice guy that she brought to the Reunion? Yeah, that one. Good choice, Toni. CONGRATULATIONS. Thanks again for your letter, Dickie.

KAREN KNOX CAMPBELL has moved to Blytheville AFB, Arkansas. Hope you are OK - Please write.

Did you get your invitation to CAROL HINES HOFFMAN'S 40th Birthday? I hear it was a big smash. I understand that her husband really surprised her. Great idea.

Did everyone catch TERRY SMILJANICH on TV during the Iran Contra hearings? Well, I did and if you want a copy of my videotape, let me know. It is really phenomenal that someone from our group is hand picked to be on such a committee. Congratulations. I really wanted to just scream when the person who introduced you pronounced your name incorrectly. Write and let me know all the details.

PAM McCALL SMITH has decided to stick around Dallas for a while longer. She has been caring for her father and since he needs her further she has put down some roots. She is tak few classes in computer programming and business. Both her daughters have settled in and are getting along real fine in school.

I also got a letter from CAROL RANKIN ZULLA. She owns k interest in a Tanning Center in Tampa, Florida. She also has an exercise studio where she teaches 2 to 3 times a week. He studio also has Developmental Dance Therapy for handicapped children. Carol has gone back to school to try for a degree in the exercise physiology field. She has her two sons with her and is happy to have moved to Tampa.

MIKE WAGNER wrote in July and tells us that he spent some time in North Carolina shooting a pilot script (oh those exotic locations) and as of his letter it will be a mid-season replacement, but he did not tell me what it was. He signed a contract with Universal Studios (not ABC) for one year. He met Don Johnson (big deal). He also sent some of his memories of RHS.... I know he wouldn't mind me sharing them with you. See if these ring a bell.....

Remember when we dug up the nuclear mummy and put it in Mr. Hall's car? The look on his face was priceless. Remember when McDougall and Bianchi were caught selling military secrets to the Russians? Remember when Moslem extremists parachuted into the gym and forced the pep squad to date them? What a scream. Remember when Bill Bradford tried to change our school symbol from a RoHawk to a mohair aardvark with a glandular condition? Remember when Texas seceded from the Union and we were all held hostage in the Alamo and forced to eat refried beans while singing the UT fight song?

I don't think we were going to the same school. He had a few more memories, but because I have taste and aforethought I decided that I would only sell them to the highest bidder or just give them away to the first person that called me or sent a self-addressed stamped envelope.

MIKE does report that his wife, Terry and daughter Richon are well. Sounds like one family that never has a dull moment.


My family is well, Kelly is having a real good year in Kindergarten and is a real aggressive soccer player. Danny is happy with his job in a finance department at the Pontiac dealership in Delray. I quit my job that I had for 6k years and am now working for another law firm in Boca Raton. More money, less stress. Pinch me, I might be dreaming. Allison is now out on her own, but lives real close by and is an assistant manager in the shoe department of a department store here in Delray Beach. Mark and Kyle are Juniors this year and so far have had a good year. Mark is a budding inventor and is looking for investors. (Anyone interested). Well, I turned my back for one minute and Kelly decided to sign the first Page of this letter. Hope all of you enjoy a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. Please write and let me know what you are doing and I will be in your mailbox again in JUNE 1988.

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