Sunday, August 20, 2006



(407) 498-0157 (HM)


This letter finds the GALLAGHER family well after having a good year. The highlight of this year was of course my daughter, Allison's marriage to Travis Denson in June. It was a small affair. but real cute with her son Stephen and my son. Kelly being the ring bearers. When Stephen and Kelly walked down the aisle to the altar Stephen got loose and started back up the aisle to Allison as she and my husband, Danny were walking down the aisle. Someone reached
down and picked him up and all proceeded as planned. It really broke the ice and relaxed Allison a little! Allison is working for a Federally funded day-care center where Stephen attends. Her new husband is a bank teller and also has a car valet business. In March Allison will turn 23 and little Stephen will be TWO in February. In September, Mark and Kyle broke away from their Dad and started working on their own. They have a furniture restoration business and they have been keeping busy. They have been working in Delray for this man who bought a historical home in the city and opened for business as an antique dealer and tea room. The home was once owned by the first mayor and founder of Delray Beach. Mark has his own little shop on the premises where he work for the Sundy House and for himself. Kyle has been concentrating on different jobs where he goes to the person's own home and restores/refinishes the piece there. They can fix anything except glass and restore furniture that has been damaged by fire or flood. It has been slow but they have been busy. A sad set-back is that Mark had an accident the other day and they are down to one vehicle. Thank God he wasn't injured, just an injury to his pride. They will be 22 in April. My youngest son. Kelly, 9 1/2 had a big year in basketball. His team ended up in last place but he had a lot of fun. Now he is into Soccer and so far his team is enjoying first place. That is a little easier to take. He is in fourth grade and doing well in school. He is also an Alter Boy at our church. I have really been blessed with some great children. Danny, Kelly and I went on a vacation to Washington D.C. in August. First, we went to Somerset. Kentucky to visit my parents for three days. They filled our three days with trips all over in and around their area. We rode on a train that took us to an old coal mine that has been made into a tourist attraction. We listened to some old country hill-billy music and just plain relaxed in the comfort of their home. Then it was off D.C. An old friend met us at the airport and took us to their house in Reston, Virginia. My friends also had another couple and their two kid visiting and also their daughter was home from college. It was a full house but it worked out really 4eil. (After that experience my friends went to Hawaii for some well deserved R&R) The first two days were filled with museums and the D.C. tour. We visited all the monuments and attractions that we could cram in. We went to the Smithsonian Institute's Air and Space Museum and found that by pushing a button in front of the shuttle exhibition I could read all about the astronauts. I found Carl Meade's name and found out all the information there was on him and his mission. It was neat reading about someone I knew who was already in the history books! We also got to tour the White House in a private tour which was arranged by none other than PHIL MOSELEY. After our tour of the White House we were to go to Phil's office by the Capitol Building. Danny decided to walk instead of taking the underground or a taxi. After all we could see the Capitol and it didn't look all that far. Well after an exhausting 40-minute walk with Danny carrying two Reunion photo albums that Phil had requested to see, we made it to the Capitol steps. It was uphill all the way to Phil's office next door in the Longworth Building. Phil took us on a tour of his office and building and then we went over to the Capitol and met a man from the Historical Society who took us all on a private tour of the Capitol. After about 2 hours we were totally exhausted both mentally and physically and Phil treated us to lunch at the cafeteria of his building. Then he dropped us off at yet another museum and met us a few hours later and took us for dinner at his house. LINDA MOLLESTON met us there and we had a lovely supper reminiscing about old times at RHS. The tours were unbelievable and memorable and the hospitality so gracious. I will never be able to thank Phil and his wife Norah for going out of their way and their very busy schedules to make the time for us and arrange the special tours. On the fourth day of our stay we were so tired that neither of us wanted to venture out of the house so we stayed in and had a great visit with our hosts, Larry and Cindy Lewis. We had dinner in old Alexandria and walked along the restored streets. Larry had gone to high school in Germany with Chuck and I went to high school with Cindy at Lee High School in Springfield, Virginia in 1963. A strange coincidence when I re-met Cindy as a new bride while I was dating Chuck in 1965. We have remained good friends since. ('In our last evening, Larry took us into D.C. for a last look at night. The Vietnam Memorial was very moving, especially SO Since my friend Larry and the other guy visiting him are Vets. It was a terrific vacation and about the longest we have taken since we were married and we will always remember it and the great time we had.

PHIL MOSELEY is the Minority Chief of Staff of the Republican Ways and Means Committee. I had not seen Phil since about 1969 or 1970 and that is too long for friends to be apart. Phil is just a tall as ever and just the nice person he always was. His wife Norah works in the same department as a tax professional so they see each other all the time. They have two children, son, Clay (7) and daughter, Kendall (12). They live in Alexandria, Virginia commute into D.C. every day.

LINDA MOLLESTON McKINNEY lives in Alexandria as well and not too far away from Phil and Norah although their lives and work do not allow them to come in contact with each other it was nice that we could all arrange to be together while Danny and I were there. Linda looked great and has completely recovered from her back injury she suffered last year. She is even back to riding her horses.

I wanted to visit PAM MURRAH STURGIS but it was too far to her home in Maryland and we couldn't coordinate a time or place. She states that all is well with her and her husband Graham and the rest of the family. Her boys are 9 and 12 now. She is continuing her education to become an elementary school teacher. She also told me that her sister TANA is well and is still dividing her time between nursing and being a stewardess for United Air Lines. She has a little 3 year old boy. Tony.
ART NIGRO is living in Birmingham, Alabama and anticipating the January 6th opening of the new Sheraton Civic Center where he is the General Manager. This year he and his wife, Sheila celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary with a trip to France. They have a daughter named Lauri who is 17 and a son, Chris who is 20 and attending Carnegie Mellon University. Art says they civic center has 800 rooms, so come by and stay awhile if you are in Birmingham.

JANET FRANCIS MURILLO is twice blessed this year. (No not twins!) Her son John got married in the beginning of the year and then in October Janet became a grandmother of a beautiful little granddaughter named Jennifer Lynn. Congratulations to all!! Janet is due to finish college in May 1992 with her RN.

I received a note from DICKIE BUCHERT O'BANION and she says all is well with her family and that she has moved to a new home in San Antonio. TERESA DEARZA CUSHING has also moved as well as BETTY FICKE BONHAM and I will put the new addresses at the end of this newsletter if space permits.

I received a beautiful framed photograph from JOE SCROGGINS. Joe's hobby is photography and he has a great eye for interesting photos. Joe works the evening shift for the phone company in Ballwin, MO. After just a few years in Missouri he has decided to return to Texas, but will have to wait until he sells his condo.
MARK BASTIAN is in San Francisco working as a private investigator. His brother DAVID BASTIAN is living in Wasilla, Alaska and his sister GINNY BASTIAN is now living in Hendersonville, Tennessee and has a cleaning business.

I spoke with SANDY HOLT LYDA who is well and still living in San Antonio. She tells me that her brother GENE has been off sided with a serious illness. Gene and his wife live in Plano. We are hoping that Gene is back on the road to recovery soon.
KEN DEVERS who works as an electrician/maintenance technician for an insurance company in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Ken and his wife, Trudy also celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this year and they went to Las Vegas (without the children). Their daughter, Bridget is 14 and in 9th grade and other daughter Audra, 19, is out of school and working. Ken did a complete makeover of their kitchen. I wish you lived closer 'cause my kitchen could sure use a make-over. I didn't win the Regis and Kathie Lee Kitchen Make-over contest this year.

DID YOU KNOW THAT REGGIE RIVERS of the Denver Broncos is a Randolph Alumni? MIKE WAGNER writes as always funny and informative about his life and his family. In March while playing basketball is ripped ligaments in is left knee. After surgery and therapy he has recovered. Mike, his wife, Terry and TERRY AND DOROTHY SMILJANICH took a 10 day vacation in May. They went to Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos. Mesa Verde, Moab, Monument Valley, the ('rand Canyon and Flagstaff. Mike even did some hiking with his knee brace. He tells me this is the third vacation they have spent with the Smilianichs and they haven't killed each other yet. (Did you every see Plaza Suite with Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor in the vacation scene?)


My dad sent this address for any of you looking for lost friends that went to school overseas: OVERSEAS BRATS, P.O. Box 29805, San Antonio, TX 78229.

Our Deepest Sympathy go to LARAY WATKINS WILHELM (Schertz) on the loss of her father CMSgt Ray V. Watkins who passed away August 14. 1991. Also to JON GOODFLEISCH and GRETCHEN GOODFLEISCH REED of Austin whose father Col. Don M. Goodfleisch passed away September 4, 1991.

As always, I want to wish everyone a very best and HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON. love to receive your cards and letters and enjoy hearing about you and your families. Remember we live between West Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, just north of Miami, so if you find yourself in this area, give us a call. May God be with all of you in 1992.


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